Body work sessions primarily address the fascial and nervous systems. These two systems are integral in negotiating the body’s ability to resolve stress, pain and trauma. A light touch and body sensation inquiry is used to encourage the discharge of traumatic stress from the body.
If you are interested in body work sessions, even as a complementary service to psychotherapy sessions, please speak to the intake worker to schedule an appointment. Body work sessions are provided on site at the Newmarket Therapy Centre by Jodie Lindley, BA, RMT (Registered Massage Therapist, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner -in training.)
All of the services listed below, except for online services, can be covered under Registered Massage Therapy insurance benefits.
- NCraniosacral Therapy
- NSomatoEmotional Release
- NSomatic Experiencing® (In-Person & Online)
- NRegistered Massage Therapy